Tuesday 14 June 2011

Here We Go!

Hi Everyone!
So my goal for this page is to keep you up to date on all things Avon. I will try and post at least every two weeks with Order due dates, links to my online brochures, my favorite products, makeup tips and specials from not only Avon but also from me that are exclusive when you place an order with me.

CAMPAIGN 14 DUE DATE: JUNE 24, 2011 10:00 PM

Favorite Products:

GOT TO GLOW gradual body moisturizer pg 23 of Mark Magalog   $20
061-509 Light-Medium
061-514 Medium - Dark
I bought a demo of this product a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!! All my life people have known me as the ghostly white girl and often I'm asked if I'm feeling alright just because I'm that pale. As a breast cancer survivor sitting out on the deck tanning or going to the local tanning salon are not feasible options for me as they are cancer causing agents. I got cancer once and I don't plan on getting it again. I have tried various self tanners throughout the years and this one is my favorite. No streaks for the first time ever and it even has an SPF of 15 to protect me from the real sun! The product states to apply daily as a body moisturizer and watch your skin darken but I have changed this slightly. First I exfoliate just with some body wash and a poof in the shower as this is an important step because if you have dry patches of skin it will show with the GOT TO GLOW and you will look blotchy. I only apply the lotion every second day as I was getting too dark too fast doing it everyday. This also makes the bottle last a lot longer!

SCENTINI fruity fragrances cocktails pg 7 in Avon Brochure Campaign 14 $9.99 each (will be $20 each)
Plum Twist 081-643
Citrus Chill 081-670
Rose Fizz 081-664
I'm a women of many faces and often get bored with certain looks, fragrances and I even change my hair every 4 months! This perfume is perfect for me as not only are the great scents but they are at a great price! For $9.99 a piece you can easily buy a bottle of each scent and depending on the mood of the day or the occassion have 3 different great scents to choose from. This scents are fun and flirty and definitely not overpowering. They are a perfect gift for a teenage daughter, niece or granddaughter. I currently have samples of these scents so if you're unsure just contact me for your personal sample size to try out!

PRINCESS RING replica of Duchess Kate's Engagement Ring pg. 103 in Avon Brochure $25
322-720 size 5
322-700 size 6
322-757 size 7
322-853 size 8
322-736 size 9
322-715 size 10
322-832 size 11
So I know there is a lot of closet Royal Fans in the house and I know a lot of us were there glued to our TVs to watch the Royal Wedding this year and now you can own your very own replica of the engagement ring! I included this as there is a bit of princess in all of us and we all like to dream every once in a while! When I first started shopping with Avon I always stayed clear of the jewelry as I always thought that for the price they are selling it for it could never  be good quality. I'm here to tell you I was DEAD WRONG! The brochures do the jewelry no justice and the pieces are absolutely more beautiful in person and the quality is above and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job Christy! So proud of you. It is nice to know the products you have tried and your recommendations. Love, MOM
